Saturday, February 27, 2010

…No Efforts Necessary

…No Efforts Necessary

Sunny bright and lovely…even through clouds a fat
Dressed and clothed loosely with sunshades and polo hats
Winds come a blow, blo blow…what a disguise?
Trained so well, my hellos become goodbyes
A tree may lean here while a fly flies a nag
But the MAN can’t clean your face when that “special Nobody” has your rag
Freedom only leaps when self control says go…
But the driver can’t be lagging around in a burnt bronze pinto
Nights can be 24hr days filled with skittles and rainbows
Only if that released imprisonment suppresses mentally by what I like to call Chill Mode!
…no efforts necessary
Dumb looks printed facially works well with store bought grass
Because it professionally stunts growth while secretly revealing its true class
…no efforts necessary
Inconspicuous neglect takes control of the environment, one you MUST conserve
Because it kindly taps oh so softly that one important nerve
…no efforts necessary
Jog, skip, sprint, or chunk rocks happily…smiled laced
Because it wholly represents who runs your race
…no efforts necessary
Sunny bright and lovely…even through clouds a fat
Always and forever, Chill Mode can definitely assure that!

~Dominique C. Cooper