Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Birth

New Birth

I found out I am pregnant today and I can’t say it took me by surprise
Because I facilitated this behavior and waved natural goodbyes
What am I gonna do, I’m only 6 months past 22
With a career, no husband, a pure shopping guru
I read about this stuff and had no weds to lock
Hesitating based on my wants and Your will to mock
Why me, Lord…so sooooo far from feeling regret
With isolated randoms, somehow we’d met
Two weeks in, I’m feeling it…the physical receipts
Only if I could return it, I’m thinkin, rewrapped, gift something neat
I gotta wipe my eyes…I can’t ever let him feel what’s clear
These feelings, O-natural, needle picks my fear
The satisfaction hides behind 800 pages filled with words to explain
Self-mutilating my first instinct to rebelliously complain
There’s no changing it now, it’s growing breast below
Left to research and study the things I knew but really didn’t know
I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t ask for this but only a few are called
Trusting you Lord, with not just this, but at the point of it all

By: Dominique C. Cooper
Copyright DCC.

Overview: I wrote this poem today while in engineering training. The Lord has really being blessing me...I've written a piece just about everyday now. This poem is not about a man+woman pregnancy but a spiritual pregnancy. I hope you enjoyed it!